Friday, March 06, 2009

Go out with a roar, or a whimper?

A new post once a year! If you've subscribed to this site, we're not wearing your computer out . . .

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My current stuff is there. Since the last post here; we have elected the man who will end this 200+ year experiment in democracy. To be fair, Obama can't do it himself. An overwhelmingly radical left Congress will collaborate with him in driving us first, and briefly, to socialism, then to collapse and chaos.

There is some question as to whether the several State governments will provide an intermediate stopping point on the way down. Frankly, I don't think they are any longer capable of that -- we have been morphing so long in the direction of a centralized and all-powerful Federal government, that I think the state governments have been effectively emasculated.

By the time "the people" come to the realization of what has happened it will be too late for an orderly correction. We won't go all the way to a Mad Max-style apocalypse, but life could get real iffy for awhile. The real danger is that nature abhors a vacuum. Somebody, or several somebodies, will step in and take over. Maybe Obama will weather the storm at the top and become our dictator. More likely, he will fall and regions will be ruled by whatever strongman can step in and pick up the pieces.

Meantime, paper currency will become valueless (as if it wasn't already), and barter will become the economic medium. Food will be expensive, and in short supply. Do you have the tools to create your own? Enough to last the winter? Can you make it from now till harvest time? I know I cannot. Others will be even worse off than I -- glad I'm armed!

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