Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pledge to America

The GOP has produced a new "Contract With America" type pledge.

I'm concerned that; 1) It will go the way of the old pledge (i.e. nowhere) and, 2) There's too much talk about new programs that will be so much better than the Democratic programs, when all we really want is FEWER programs and LESS government.

We won't know whether it's simple electioneering or if they mean it until after the election.  Even then, assuming the GOP retakes House and Senate both, they still have to face the possibility of Presidential vetoes of their reforms.

Anyone care to wager whether we make it to the 2012 elections without a South American-style revolution?  I don't.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Feeding Frenzy

Typical of the news media: The feeding frenzy over the proposed Koran burning in Georgia ended when the pastor in question decided NOT to burn the book. Happily, a gas main in San Bruno, California blew up, so they're back in business!

Journalists can join lawyers swimming in safety in shark-filled waters - professional courtesy, you know . . .

The Winds of Change?

Well, the lean mean one post a year days are officially gone - the bloglines site that I used as my main blog is closing!!!!! Be ware, I will be doing a lot more posting here!