Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Another week has passed and the lottery commissions have once again chosen the wrong numbers!  I give them chances, week after week to get it right.  How long can this go on?  I NEED that $100M+ jackpot!  My farm and ranch are waiting to be bought!

On the positive side, I've been working out in my mind what I will do when I win.  The only surprise will be the winning itself.

Meanwhile, in my newly retired state, springtime will see the establishment of a garden here at the homestead.  I have not yet decided what form it will take, but I've the winter to read up and plan.  Chickens sound good until I think about going camping.  Going camping for a couple of weeks, or even the weekend is not the way to raise animals.  Most campgrounds, even the ones that take pets, would not be fond of a visiting flock of chickens!

Perhaps I need to clone myself.  Then I could be two or three places at once, and accomplish all the contradictory things that I would like.

Pin that!

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

The last eight years have apparently passed without my being particularly aware.  Actually, the total is probably somewhat more than that.  At least, in some aspects.  Internally, I feel as though I should be thirty something.  Or forty something.  Certainly NOT sixty-eight years old!  Which is ancient, in most ways of thinking.  I can remember when my paternal grandparents were 68, and I quite clearly recall how ancient that seemed at the time.

I have seen a lot, and experienced many things.  I have lived!  But, I have so much more to do, to accomplish than my three children, six grandchildren, and one great-grandchild would seem to indicate.  I've been to all fifty states, and resided in ten of them, for a total, so far, of 38 different addresses.  I've been to most of the Canadian provinces, and to the Crown Colony of Bermuda.

The bucket list has a lot checked off, but seems to be getting longer and longer!

Things come and go, but my ME seems only to be going, and there's so much more to do before I'm gone!  On the other hand (OTOH), one might argue that since I'm planning on living to 125, there's still a ways to go.  How much of that will be a life during which I can accomplish something remains to be seen.

Let's go!